Something to
think about:
What are forests?
are very productive natural ecosystems. Forests store more carbon than any
other kind of ecosystem, which make them very important when absorbing carbon
dioxide. Also, forests are important for the control of precipitation levels
and to control the soil level of minerals, controlling the levels of erosion
and controlling floods by stopping sedimentation processes (Lerner et al, 2003).
Forests provide habitat for species of plants, animals and microorganisms,
being those species required a forest to live. The global area of forest of all
kinds was about 8.4 billion acres (3.4 billion ha) in 1990.
is the process of forests by the action of mankind, and converting forest to
other kinds of ecosystem, such as agriculture or urbanized land. It happens for
several reasons, such as exploration of wood, opening to agriculture areas or
to creation of animals. Wood is one of the most important harvested products in
the forests, being material for production of paper, lumber, plywood and other
products (242). There are many methods and reasons that lead to deforestation,
as we will further see. The goal in this research blog is to find out what is
the connection between deforestation and the threats presented to human
security. The model presented in this blog is a way to find out how
deforestation affects and threats human security. The analysis will look at the
factors that lead to deforestation, and the process in which deforestation
threatens human security, and apply this model to different case studies to
test the connections.
Underlying Factors
Primary factors => Deforestation => Threats to human security
now, we will see how deforestation happens, and why we should worry about it.
Deforestation is a global concern, as the consequences from deforestation in a
specific place can be shared in various ways throughout the whole globe.
Deforestation counts for 12 to 17% of all gas emissions (Schroeder, 2010),
which contributes to global warming, that can lead to several consequences
throughout the world, such as desertification, melting of glaciers, migration,
agricultural issues, epidemics and environmental disasters.
there are many drivers of deforestation, as you can see in “Causes”. The
reasons leading to deforestation and underlying factors vary “widely across
countries, regions and localities (Schroeder, 2010).”Also, the economical
importance of the activities that lead to deforestation varies as well, in the
local, regional and national level (319).
Did you know?
- If the global average in temperature rises in about 4 to 5 degrees Celsius, several species of fishes and other water animals will become extinct (William et al, 2010).
- 90% of the around 1.2 billion people living under the poverty line depend on forest resources to live. (GCP, 2008).
- According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), from the United Nations (2006), about 13 million hectares of tropical forests are deforested every year (an area of the size of Peru).
Photo from
problem in deforestation is the fact that tropical rainforests are home to more
than half of all species in the planet, and there is a big difference between
primary forests (those that are untouched by humans) amount of animal and
plants species from the number of species that live in reforested areas (86).
It is also known that the main cause for deforestation is human activity, which
means that the future of deforestation is, therefore, in our hands.
In Europe and United States there
are almost no native forests left (Schroeder, 2010). Also, the process of deforestation
is occurring for thousands of years, but has been intensified as population
grows and consumption levels rise. Deforestation should be a concern shared throughout the world, as its consequences can be fatal to human life on Earth, as we will further see.
There are many consequences to deforestation, and this consequences can be direct and indirect threats to human security, as many of them interfere with the ability of people be provided and help in the process of providing for their own basic needs. Some consequences can be more direct, such as threat to people's lives, which is the case of several indigenous population living on forests and depend directly on the forests for food and shelter. Deforestation can also be the underlying factor behind global warming and climate change, which in return will bring increase in temperatures, increase in number of extreme weather and many other consequences that the whole global population will be exposed to. The problem and its consequences need to be understood to cause awareness and a perception of urgency in this matter.
There are many consequences to deforestation, and this consequences can be direct and indirect threats to human security, as many of them interfere with the ability of people be provided and help in the process of providing for their own basic needs. Some consequences can be more direct, such as threat to people's lives, which is the case of several indigenous population living on forests and depend directly on the forests for food and shelter. Deforestation can also be the underlying factor behind global warming and climate change, which in return will bring increase in temperatures, increase in number of extreme weather and many other consequences that the whole global population will be exposed to. The problem and its consequences need to be understood to cause awareness and a perception of urgency in this matter.
Work Cited:
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Irwin, William, and Brian Williams. "An Ethical Defense Of
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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
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resources assessment 2010 : main report [Electronic resource]. - Rome : FAO,
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GLOBAL CANOPY PROGRAM. The Little REDD Book: A guide to Governmental and non-governmental proposals for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation. 2008. Disponível em: www.the
GLOBAL CANOPY PROGRAM. The Little REDD Book: A guide to Governmental and non-governmental proposals for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation. 2008. Disponível em: www.the